Advance Web Development – AWD
Course Prerequisite(s)
- Please note that this course has the following prerequisites which must be completed before it can be accessed
About Course
Advanced Web Development encompasses the creation of highly interactive and dynamic web applications using cutting-edge technologies and frameworks. It involves deep expertise in front-end and back-end development, ensuring seamless integration, performance optimization, and robust security measures. Developers in this field leverage tools such as React, Angular, Node.js, and Django to build scalable and maintainable applications. Additionally, advanced web development often includes implementing responsive design, progressive web apps (PWAs), and ensuring cross-browser compatibility to deliver a superior user experience.
Course Content
1 . Introduction to Web Development
understanding the web
00:00Introduction to internet and the world wide web
00:00Basics of HTTP and HTTPS
00:00Web browsers and their role
00:00HTML Fundamentals
00:00HTML syntax and structure
00:00Common HTML elements and attributes
00:00Creating hyperlinks and lists
00:00Introduction to CSS
00:00Styling HTML with CSS
00:00Selectord and Properties
00:00Box model and layout basics
2. Responsive Web Design and CSS Frameworks
3. JavaScript Fundamentals
4. Front-End Development Tools and Version Control
5. Introduction to Back-End Development and Web Development Frameworks
6. Final Project
7. Final Exam
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